
Mitchell Duran

Mitchell Duran has 5 articles published.

SF Concert Reviews

Alex Cameron, Back in the Bay

At long last, Alex Cameron and Roy Molloy were back in The Bay. Nothing on Alex and Roy, his beard wearing saxophone rearing sidekick, but the crowd itself was thin. Seeing it was below 50 degrees outside and raining, one could understand the turnout. Everyone inside though was warm, excited, wearing smiles and jiving with… Keep Reading

SF Concert Reviews

An Introspective, Playful Night with Joep Beving

There was a childlike innocence to Joep Beving as he sauntered out onto the stage. He looked like a bashful scarecrow or hipster treant March 29th at Great American music hall. Standing around 6 and a half to 7, he joked, I could barely make out the face of the 42-year-old Dutchman with his head… Keep Reading

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