
Christine Simms

Christine Simms has 4 articles published.

Music News

Firsthand Tales of Rock n’ Roll – Marc Myers Shares All

In Rock Concert: An Oral History as Told by the Artists, Backstage Insiders, and Fans Who Were There, (Grove Press, New York) author Marc Myers has gathered a collection of accounts from the behind-the-scenes makings of live rock concerts from the people who were there. The book covers the period from about the 1950s right… Keep Reading

Music News

SF Music Venue Showcase: Simple Pleasures Cafe

If places could have a theme song, Simple Pleasures’ would be Nirvana’s ‘Come As You Are.’ You know that outfit you wear not to impress, but the one that you feel most comfortable in? That well-worn-out t-shirt so thin you barely realize it’s there. And those jeans that hold your body’s mold after you take them… Keep Reading

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